Binios Law
Vasileios Binios Attorney at Law
33 Metaxa Street , Glyfada Athens 16674 - Greece.
Tel: +30 210 8948029 – 8981436  :    Mobile: +30 6932 190346
       Vassilis Binios Law Offices , has been established as one of the most experienced Athens  based Law Offices, providing legal support for Greeks leaving abroad, but also for any individual or Legal Entities worldwide which may need a proper legal representation in Greece regarding business, commercial and international issues :

1. Wide experience in handling any kind of business, commercial and heritage  Law issues of Greeks leaving abroad or of Greek i
     inhabitants that may need legal representation in both North and South America for similar cases.  

2.  Experienced attorneys and managerial staff.
3. Thorough and immediate  communication of our offices with any client abroad.  
4. Direct response to all inquiries and legal issues that may occur.
5. Direct contact with our associating Law offices abroad for accurate and precise legal representation.

6.. Commitment to strict international legal ethics


Languages: Greek, English, French, Portuguese